Friday, 4 July 2014

Fragility of Life

It scares me sometimes how we are all so vulnerable.  
At any minute of any day someone could decide to change our lives completely for us, for the better, or worse. We have no control over their decision either. Even at night while we sleep, all that’s protecting us from the outside world and inhabitants is a wall, a door, a window. Everything is so precious and delicate, our lives being the most delicate of all. Sometimes I find it hard to wrap my head around this fact.

Other times, and in too many cases, it’s not even other people that end up dramatically changing our lives for the worst, it is ourselves. Our own bodies seem to turn against us, not realising that our body and mind should be on the same team. Our cells, the same cells that make up everything in our body, have the power to change our lives. One mutation, two mutations, thirteen, one hundred could mean that our death sentence is written by our own hand, signed and dated. We all talk about Cancer being the killer, like it’s someone we don’t know but yet someone whom everyone is familiar with.  But cancer is the name given to those mutated cells, the parts of your body that have turned against you. This seems the most unfair of all, to have your own body betray you. What protects you from yourself?

There is so much that happens us in this life that is completely out of our own control. It’s hard to comprehend that we are given this life, but ultimately have such little control over it. Yes I can make decisions myself that will change my life, but there’s only so much you can decide on before Fate or God or Allah or whoever it may be intervenes to obscure the path that you had decided on. Then what is life? A test? Survival? I’m of the opinion that life is for living not just surviving, but it sometimes overwhelms me all the options and chances and difficulties and joys that we have to experience in our lives. 

Do you ever know if you are doing things right?

Rebecca x

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